Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology

Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology

Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology ebook is available to be downloaded here.

  • Title: Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part L: MOLLUSCA 4 – Volume 4: Cretaceous Ammonoidea
  • Author: C. W. WRIGHT with J. H. CALLOMAN and M. K. HOWARTH
  • Pages: 382

From the outset the aim of the Treatise on Invertebrate Pa leontology has been to present a comprehensive and authoritative yet compact statement of knowledge concerning groups of invertebrate fossils. Typically, preparation of early Treatise volumes was undertaken by a single specialist with a synoptic view of the group being monographed. More rarely, two or perhaps three specialists worked together. Recently, however, both new Treatise volumes and revisions of existing ones have been undertaken increasingly by teams of specialists led by a coordinating author.

Part L, Mollusca 4(4), Revised has been prepared by a single author, Dr. C. W. Wright, and even this volume is part of a much larger project on all the ammonoids that involves a number of specialists. Nevertheless, few paleontologists have such an all-encompassing command of a major group of fossils as Dr. Wright has of the Cretaceous ammonoids. We are indeed privileged that he has fo und both the time and the energy over the years to compile this in formation and share it with the paleontological and geological communities.

This volume on the Cretaceous Ammonoidea is the final section of the revision of Part L. Other volumes planned fo r the series are an introductory volume, volume 2 on Paleozoic ammonoids, and volume 3 on Triassic and Jurassic ammonoids. In a way, it is unfortunate that the fourth volume in the series is being published first, but even more unfortunate would be to delay publication of Dr. Wright’s manuscript, which brings information on the ammonoids up to date, a group of fossils that is vitally important fo rstratigraphy.

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