Approaches to Paleoecology

Approaches to Paleoecology ebook is available to be downloaded here now. Scientific treatises are published for many reasons. This book is essentially a collection of case histories by experts on work done within the broad spectrum of subjects currently encompassed by the term “paleoecology.” In many cases original data are given in depth rather than … Read more

Paleogene Fossil Birds

You can download Paleogene Fossil Birds ebook here. Since birds are predominantly diurnal and often quite vociferous animals, theirbehavior and ecological requirements are probably better studied than those of any other vertebrate group. Detailed knowledge of their evolutionary history is, how ever, still limited to a small circle of specialists, and there is a widespread … Read more

Rereading the Fossil Record

You can download Rereading the Fossil Record ebook here. When Stephen Jay Gould was fi ve years old, his father took him to the American Museum of Natural History in New York to see the institution’s great collection of dinosaurs. Gould later recalled that as he stood in front of the Tyrannosaurus, “a man sneezed; … Read more