
Ichnology organism-substrate interactions in space and time ebook is available to be downloaded here now. Ichnology is the study of traces, such as burrows, trackways, and borings, created in the substrate by living organisms. It is an increasingly important field, having recently been transformed into a multifaceted science at the crossroads of many disciplines. This … Read more

Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record

You can download Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record ebook here. The history of life is documented by fossils through the past 3.5 billion years. We need this long-term perspective for three reasons: ancient life and environments can inform us about how the world might change in the future; extinct plants and animals make … Read more

Rereading the Fossil Record

You can download Rereading the Fossil Record ebook here. When Stephen Jay Gould was fi ve years old, his father took him to the American Museum of Natural History in New York to see the institution’s great collection of dinosaurs. Gould later recalled that as he stood in front of the Tyrannosaurus, “a man sneezed; … Read more