Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar

You can download Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar ebook here. Groundpenetrating (or probing) radar (GPR) is a vital technique on which the day-to-day safety of literally millions of people depend. The technology allows a very wide range of verifications, the most common being the safe and accurate location of the position of buried pipes and … Read more

Spatial data modeling for 3D GIS

You can download Spatial data modeling for 3D GIS ebook here. This book is based on research works done by the authors at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom and the International Institute for GeoInformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands in 2000 and 1996 respectively. We were motivated to write the book … Read more

Earthquake Seismology: Treatise On Geophysics

You can download Earthquake Seismology ebook here. Geophysics is the physics of the Earth, the science that studies the Earth by measuring the physical consequences of its presence and activity. It is a science of extraordinary breadth, requiring 10 volumes of this treatise for its description. Only a treatise can present a science with the … Read more