Atlas of Trace Fossils in Well Core

You can download Atlas of Trace Fossils in Well Core ebook here. It is not easy to tell which of the graduate students will become masters in their field. When I met Dirk Knaust in 1997 at the Fourth International Ichnofabric Workshop on San Salvador, he was just another graduate student, obviously very intelligent, but … Read more

Evolution and the Fossil Record

You can download Evolution and the Fossil Record ebook here. Evolution is one of the fundamental underlying concepts of modern science. This powerful theory explains such phenome na as the history of life preserved in the fossil record; the genetic, molecular, and physical similarities and differences among organ isms; and the geographic distribution of organisms … Read more

Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record

You can download Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record ebook here. The history of life is documented by fossils through the past 3.5 billion years. We need this long-term perspective for three reasons: ancient life and environments can inform us about how the world might change in the future; extinct plants and animals make … Read more

Events of Increased Biodiversity

You can download Events of Increased Biodiversity ebook here. This book is written for a broad audience who is interested in science in general and paleontology in particular. It is my hope that it will offer non-expert readers an effective introduction to the phenomena of diversification of life. The book is also intended for university … Read more

Species and Speciation in the Fossil Record

You can download Species and Speciation in the Fossil Record ebook here. This book seeks to address the Janus concept of species in paleontology. The chapters focus on fossil animals, because as we were planning the volume we quickly found that to include meaningful considerations of plants and protists would make the project too large. … Read more

Rereading the Fossil Record

You can download Rereading the Fossil Record ebook here. When Stephen Jay Gould was fi ve years old, his father took him to the American Museum of Natural History in New York to see the institution’s great collection of dinosaurs. Gould later recalled that as he stood in front of the Tyrannosaurus, “a man sneezed; … Read more