Structural Geology Third Edition

Structural Geology Third Edition

You can dowload Structural Geology Third Edition ebook here.

  • Title: Structural Geology (Principles, Concepts, and Problems)
  • Authors: Hatcher, Robert D. & Bailey, Christopher M.
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
  • Pages: 657

Now thoroughly revised in its third edition, Structural Geology: Principles, Concepts, and Problems incorporates a balanced and broad state-of the-science presentation that combines extensive full-color illustrations with clear, lively writing. The book covers various current topics such as stress in the earth, fracking, seismic risk, earthquake cycle, and man-made earthquakes, providing instructors with broad content.

The third edition of this ebook is a complete revision from the first two editions. Each chapter has been rewritten with many new figures and color added to numerous illustrations throughout the book. The new chapter on geochronology and the 3rd edition include recent advancements in and tectonics over the last two decades. Chuck Bailey, a co-author, made a significant impact on the technical and overall quality of the book in relevant chapters.

Our frequent meetings, emails, and calls proved valuable by addressing issues as they arose and incorporating review comments effectively. The main goal remains unchanged: to provide a comprehensive overview of modern structural geology suitable for junior-senior-level geology courses.

The third edition of Structural Geology: Principles, Concepts, and Problems is a complete revision from the first two editions. Each chapter has been rewritten with many new figures and color added to numerous illustrations throughout the book.

A new chapter on geochronology is added in the 3rd edition, incorporating recent developments in structural geology and tectonics. Co-author Chuck Bailey’s significant expertise enhances technical and overall quality of the book.

Our numerous meetings, e-mail, and phone conversations proved especially valuable in that they enabled us to work through issues that arose and helped with incorporation of review comments.

The core focus in the third edition is maintaining a balanced coverage of modern structural geology topics suitable for junior-senior-level geology courses in North America.

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