Quantitative Seismology

Quantitative Seismology

You can download Quantitative Seismology ebook here.

  • Title: Quantitative Seismology
  • Author: Keiiti Aki and Paul Richards
  • Publisher: University Science Book
  • Pages: 720

The second edition of the Aki-Richards textbook was published by University Science Books in August 2002 as a hardback.  It appeared in one volume that was a substantial rewrite of the original two-volume first edition. In April 2009 the hardback was reprinted as a paperback that corrected many typos and a few Figures.

Here, then, is the current Table of Contents of the paperback version of the second edition:

Preface to the first edition

1. Introduction
 for Further Reading

2. Basic Theorems in Dynamic Elasticity
2.1 Formulation
2.2 Stress-Strain Relations and the Strain-Energy Function
2.3 Theorems of Uniqueness and Reciprocity
2.4 Introducing Green’s Function for Elastodynamics
2.5 Representation Theorems
2.6 Strain-Displacement Relations and Displacement-Stress Relations in General   Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates

3. Representation of Seismic Sources
    3.1 Representation Theorems for an Internal Surface: Body-Force Equivalents for Discontinuities in Traction and Displacement
    3.2 A Simple Example of Slip on a Buried Fault
    3.3 General Analysis of Displacement Discontinuities across an Internal Surface E
    3.4 Volume Sources: Outline of the Theory and Some Simple Examples   

4. Elastic Waves from a Point Dislocation Source
    4.1 Formulation: Introduction of Potentials
    4.2 Solution for the Elastodynamic Green Function in a Homogeneous, Isotropic Unbounded Medium
    4.3 The Double-Couple Solution in an Infinite Homogeneous Medium
    4.4 Ray Theory for Far-Field P-waves and S-waves from a Point Source
    4.5 The Radiation Pattern of Body Waves in the Far Field for a Point Shear Dislocation of Arbitrary Orientation in a Spherically Symmetric

5. Plane Waves in Homogeneous Media and Their Reflection and Transmission at a Plane Boundary
    5.1 Basic Properties of Plane Waves in Elastic Media
    5.2 Elementary Formulas for Reflection/Conversion/Transmission Coefficients
    5.3 Inhomogeneous Waves, Phase Shifts, and Interface Waves
    5.4 A Matrix Method for Analyzing Plane Waves in Homogeneous Media
    5.5 Wave Propagation in an Attenuating Medium: Basic Theory for Plane Waves
    5.6 Wave Propagation in an Elastic Anisotropic Medium: Basic Theory for Plane Waves

Reflection and Refraction of Spherical Waves; Lamb’s Problem
    6.1 Spherical Waves as a Superposition of Plane Waves and Conical Waves
    6.2 Reflection of Spherical Waves at a Plane Boundary: Acoustic Waves
    6.3 Cagniard-De Hoop Methods for Line Sources
    6.4 Cagniard-De Hoop Methods for Point Sources
    6.5 Summary of Main Results and Comparison between Different Methods

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