You can download Geology In The Field ebook here.
- Title: Geology In The Field
- Author: Robert R. Compton
- Publisher: Earthspun Books
- Pages: 412
Replaces Compton’s Manual of Field Geology (1962). A guide to advances in the increasingly broad and interpretive discipline of formation mapping theory. Thorough, yet compact enough for use in the field, it consists of brief descriptions of textures and structures useful in interpreting depositional environments, kinds of volcanic activity, and plutonic events and conditions. Included are procedures often reserved for the laboratory or office: staining rocks, correcting orientations of current indicators, constructing profile sections of folds, measuring strains, making photogeologic interpretations, and more. Covers pre-field considerations, methods of observation and measurement, recognition of key geologic features, and preparation of a report. Illustrated with composite drawings. Fourteen appendixes provide systemized data and procedures.
- List of Content
- Philosophy and Organization of a Field Study
- Basic equipment and its uses
- Basic Procedures at Outcrops
- Identifiying Rocks in The Field
- Mapping rock units and structures
- Geologic Mapping on a Topographic base
- Use of Areal photographs and other remote imagery
- Mapping with plan table and Alidade
- Primary features of marine sedimentary rocks
- Surficial Sediments; Contonental Environments
- Stratigraphic Sections
- Features of deform rocks
- Volvanic Structures and Field Relation
- Field Study of Plutons
- Field Study of Metamorphic Rocks
- Preparing Illustration and Writing Reports