You can downoload Balanced Geological Cross-Sections ebook here.
- Title: Balanced Geological Cross-Sections – An Essensial Techniques in Geological Research and Exploration
- Author: Nicholas B. Woodward, Steven E. Boyer, John Suppe
- Publisher: American Geophysical Union
- Pages: 135
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Short Courses in Geology Series, Volume 6. The publisher, authors, and editors can safely assume that readers believe the advice and information in this book to be true and accurate as of the publication date. The publisher, authors, and editors do not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that they may have made. Sci. Studies in Geology, v. 11. The Structural Geology and Tectonics Division of the GSA subsequently invited Woodward, Boyer and Suppe to present a two day short course at the National Geological Society of America meeting in Orlando, Florida, November 1985 (v. 11, 2nd edition). We are thrilled to join the International Geological Congress and have updated the course notes.
A balanced geological cross-section is a structurally consistent representation that respects all data and geological principles. The basic assumption of balanced cross-sections is that the volume of rock doesn’t change significantly during deformation. This means that deformation only redistributes rock volumes in space.
Balanced cross-sections are an essential technique in geological research and exploration. They’re used to:
- Illustrate and develop an understanding of structural geometry, particularly in fold and thrust belts
- Interpretations from cross-sections show tests.
- Explore the consequences of interpretations for understanding other aspects of geology
- Establish whether interpreted structures are geologically valid and geometrically possible
The process of constructing a balanced cross-section is iterative and trial-and-error. It can be tedious and time-consuming if done manually.
Here are some steps involved in constructing a balanced cross-section:
- Generate an interpretation
- Use section balancing to test that idea
- Extract dip and strike measurements from surface elevation data
- Undertake fold and fault analysis using satellite imagery and seismic data
- Perform fracture mapping to maximize geological insight across a study area
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