Fossil Hydrocarbons Chemistry and Technology

You can download Fossil Hydrocarbons Chemistry and Technology ebook here. The decade of 1973-1983, in which most of the Western world moved from economic turmoil and panic created by an oil crisis to blissfully “putting it all behind us”, illustrates how easily we persuade ourselves to forget what should have taught us a profound lesson~and … Read more

Fission-Track Thermochronoloy and its Application to Geology

You can downloan Fission-Track Thermochronoloy and its Application to Geology ebook here. This book Fission-Track Thermochronology and its Application to Geology edited by Marco G. Malusà and Paul G. Fitzgerald is the result of the efforts of many recognised scientists, including those who have had long and successful careers and those who are closer to … Read more

Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar

You can download Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar ebook here. Groundpenetrating (or probing) radar (GPR) is a vital technique on which the day-to-day safety of literally millions of people depend. The technology allows a very wide range of verifications, the most common being the safe and accurate location of the position of buried pipes and … Read more

Morphometric Methods in Biostratigraphy

You can download Morphometric Methods in Biostratigraphy ebook here. The word morphometrics comes from the Greek words morphe which means “shape, form” and metria which means “measurement”. Morphometric methods are used in a variety of fields, including biology, hydrology, and food and agricultural sciences. Some examples of morphometric methods include: Morphometric methods can be used for … Read more

Procedures in Field Geology

You can download Procedures in Field Geology ebook here. My purpose in writing this manual is to provide a pocket-size presentation of field procedures without the bulk and cost of a comprehensive textbook. The first part, Tools ofthe Trade, covers the Brunton compass and Jacob’s staff, the Silva compass, and the plane table and alidade-along … Read more